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Therapy for the soul to reveal the masterpiece that is you!


SageBrush Exchange



Akashic Record Readings, Past Life & Life Between Lives (LBL) Spiritual Regressions,

Soul-Bridge Crossings

and Chakra Labyrinth Experiences

You are here in body at this great turning on the Wheel to gather your scattered soul pieces and

remember All of who you are-

Toby and Sagebrush Exchange as seen in Times Square!

Toby and Sagebrush Exchange as seen in Times Square!


Bonus exploration

Join host, Toby Evans, as she educates, entertains and enlightens her audience in


a 4-part podumentary series

(podcast + documentary) outlining her spiritual journey and featuring her original songs from the album Call To Wholeness

Roadmap Forward.


Order Toby's new book


292-page E-book

292-page E-book


In 2019, the crucial year of planetary change, a unified effort was set into motion. This volume documents the Soul-Bridge mission: Assisting the crossing over of souls from each of the Four Races (Red, Black, White and Yellow) who died in massive numbers throughout American History — and remained here.

Trapped earthbound soul particles have been manipulated for eons to add to the collateral load of the ‘Dark Controller’s’ closed system. In the wake of the rising frequencies affecting the Earth’s electromagnetic fields, these old systems are collapsing and “The Great Awakening” is upon us.


Soul Sessions

It's as if we all have 'cold cases' stored in the basement boxes of our deep unconscious, waiting for something in our daily lives to spark the need for an investigation, prompting us to gather the clues of our own unsolved soul mysteries.

~ Dead, But Not Gone

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Akashic Record Consultations

A reading and healing session in one. Guidance from the Soul's perspective providing clarity regarding your purpose and life lessons. 

Life Between Lives Regressions

An extension of a Past Life regression and an evolution beyond it as you explore the world between lives that is your true home.

Past Life Regressions

Viewing the 'past' from your Multi-dimensional awareness helps you understand current life choices and brings resolution.

Soul Crossing

Assisting individuals with energy attachments or earthbound aspects to cross over to the 'World of Light.'

Experience the

Labyrinths are 5D SELF towers providing uninterrupted service to Higher Self awareness, helping us reestablish our sovereign connection to Source.

~ Dead, But Not Gone




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The Prairie Labyrinth

Walking a labyrinth is a simple whole-body prayer, reacquainting you with the presence and power that lies within.

the Chakra Labyrinth

The 7 pathways of the Prairie Labyrinth combine with the 7 Chakras to create a profound self-reflective tool to balance your energy body.

Chante Ishta

A  9-petal vesica star walking path with the ‘single-eye’ focus of helping you return to your heart.

The Art Line

Envisioned as a line of walkable, interactive, outdoor artworks stretching across the heart of America on the 39th Latitude.